Monday, February 9, 2009

& we've shared some times, I wouldnt trade for the world

It has been awhile since I've sat down to write in here. Life has been pretty hectic, but not in a bad way.

With two weeks until my 18th birthday and less then five months until I graduate, I feel the need to recognize just a few of the people in my life currently. These people make me crazy and half the time I wonder why I'm stuck with them. But, the other half of the time, I couldnt possibly feel more blessed to be badgered by these lunatics I call my friends. These unusual people are the reason my life is what it is, and in spite of the difficulties, I wouldnt trade it in for any other.

Since, I'm fairly certain none of them read this, I have no problem recognizing them here. Whats the point you ask? Well, one day, years after I stop writing in this, I'll go back and read through these posts and remember the people in my life and why I kept them so close.

Well, the first person who stands out in my head is my "bestest enemy." Though we coined the term in sixth grade, it has never lost its validity. And, I doubt it ever will. Everything important that has happened to me over the past 7 years, she has been a part of in some twisted way or another. Every last stupid thing I've done, I've done with this moron. Every cut or bruise I've acquired has been her fault and if I get in trouble, she is standing right next to me getting yelled at too. We have done some of the stupidest stuff together and I'm sure one day it will be funny. Actually, its pretty damn funny now. We talk about the future all the time--about going to jail together, living in the bum house together, sitting on our front porch with shine and shotguns together. I know there is no guarantee that any of this will actually happen. (Mostly because I'll be shocked if we dont kill each other long before that.) Nonetheless, these past years have adventure, to say the least. Whether we live to see ourselves old and crotchety or not, I'm sure we have many more dumb ideas ahead, if only to top the ones we've already got underway. So, Lishy Duh, raise an unexpected glass to Flo (and all of the "incidents"), all of our first times, all of our walks (even the one in the blizzard), New Zealand, photo shoots, and us; whatever we are. You are the one thing in my life that is allowed to not have a definition. Mostly, because Webster himself could not define this. (If you ever actually read this I'll have to kill myself...or you. Definitely you.)

Ah, boy. My dear pain in the ass. Never have I ever had a friend more frustrating than him. Of course, he may have a few redeeming qualities. (Though, none come to me at the moment!) In all seriousness, I love the fact that the two of us can just call each other and do nothing but rant, or sit at my kitchen table and plot out everyone's demise. We are better than everyone, it's quite the responsibility, we know, but we live with it. It's a blessing and a curse really. Philip, my love, raise an unexpected glass to cooking dinner, our exclusive and excellent parties in the bum house, Jeopardy, Cash Cab, hating Alicia (and on rare occasion loving Alicia), killing that ugly kid, and driving each other crazy...which we undoubtedly do at least once a day. And by the by, the front seat is mine whether you like it or not.

Whoever thought you and I would be friends? My freshman year we found each other...ready for it?....CANTANKEROUS! lol Four years later, I'm shoving you out my front door because we're disgusted at how similar our minds are....not to mention our childish sense of humor. We've bonded over some prettttty strange things, but, in the words of Brendan, "it's all good." Leah, please for the love of god, raise an unexpected glass to butt-fu, long sad car rides to nowhere, long happy car rides to...nowhere, the greatest writer of the twenty-first century, the disappearing horizon, the breathing ocean, the non-virgin pound it, and finally having friends who dont suck! lol, well at least a friend who doesnt suck.

You. I dont know what to say about you, but I know that you deserve to be recognized here. We are undefined. We are...inappropriate. I am horribly confused and befuddled by the whole situation, but somehow...I'm okay with that. This person and myself have known each other for quite a while, but only recently have we become this close. He is one of the most extraodinary people I have ever met and even though I try to convince myself that its all a bit of silliness, I know that I genuinely care about him. I've never met anyone who makes me smile more or feel less broken than he does. He is... surprisingly difficult to talk about here. I keep typing things and then deleting them. I think this is because my vocabulary can not possibly explain how amazing I think he is. If I can accomplish anything in my life, I want to help him realize how wonderful, impactful, and beautiful he really is. Raise an unexpected glass to questions and answers, boundaries...or not, to finding people who make things okay, to the promise of the bum house, and to the "L" word. The whole concept, of which, is kind of scary. But it's kind of exciting as well. =]

There are so many more people I can write about here. Lora, Emily, Android...hundreds more. But, I am kind of sleepy and will write about them another day, I'm sure.

"I've got some friends, some that I hardly know. But we've had sometimes, I wouldnt trade for the world. We chase these days down with talks of places where we will go."

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